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Comments (8)

May 26

Dear Bob and Lynda, thank you for sharing your tragic, heartfelt and precious memories. Reading your family story especially Darren’s filled my heart with sadness and emphathy 💜 Both our sons just 20 when they passed. Its heartbreaking 💔

I enjoyed seeing all your beautiful photos. You haven’t changed a bit . As always I look forward to seeing you in July

Sheila xx

Bob Humphrey
May 31
Replying to

Sheila, thank you very much for your comments. As you said: As always we look forward to seeing you in July as well. Bob xx

May 19

Bob & Lynda, I’m so glad that you chronicled your USA 2024 trip! It’s been fun to follow along and see photos from different stops, to hear about the foods and meet with many people. Thank you for sharing with us.

Trish in Virginia

Bob Humphrey
May 22
Replying to

Thank you Trish in Virginia for your lovely comments. I am nearing the end of updating it. I will let you know when it has been finished. Then after that I am going to try and get the photos I haven’t shared into an album.

Bob in Watford

Apr 23

Bob and Lynda, I just read through the beautiful flip book and looked at all of the photos telling about your trip. What a wonderful way to share your memories. I enjoyed reading it all so much. I especially enjoyed your account of your visit to special places in Athens. You were quite adventurous! (I didn't realize until the end that the little white plus at the top right of the flipbook would enlarge the text a lot. That really is a great feature.)

Bob Humphrey
Apr 23
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Thank you very much for your lovely comments and for tip about enlarging the text.

Sep 05, 2023

Thank you Bob and Lynda. Thank you for sharing Darren's story. It pains my heart to no end on the heartache we go through in loss of a child but even more with the milestone's they will never meet. Wishing you many more blessings to come as you deserve the universe size of support as that is what you provide. Know that you are a contsant in my thoughts, heart and prayers. You may not see me much on the POS threads but that is because I must chose how to balance my mental health and continue to be a youth mental health advocate both in State and Congress. Linda, Lauryn's Mom

Bob Humphrey
Mar 27
Replying to

Thank you very much for your lovely comments, it means a lot to us, we are sorry that it has taken so long to reply to you. We also wish you many blessings as you continue to be a youth mental health advocate, young people need people to speak out for them. ❤️🦄

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