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On this page are the dedications done through Parents of Suicide, either as part of a group project or done by individuals who included Darren for us. On a desktop, laptop or tablet, hover your cursor over the frames to reveal the photograph.

Christmas Trees with frame only.gif
Christmas Trees.gif

Karyl, Mom of Arlyn, whose vision founded Parents of Suicides, and her husband, Ronnie, Dad of Arlyn, had two Christmas trees on permanent display at their home in Pavo, Georgia, and parents could have the names and photographs of their children added to them.

Karyl's Quilt with frame only.gif
Karyl's Quilt.gif

This Quilt was presented to Karyl with the individual quilt squares made by POS members.

1st pos quilt square frame only.gif
1st pos quilt square.gif

This is the quilt square that we made for the Quilt.

Darren's quilt square with frame only.gif
Darren's quilt square.gif

This is the quilt square that we made for Darren for the next POS Quilt project.

The Butterfly Pavilion Pavo with frame only.gif
The Butterfly Pavilion Pavo.gif

Ronnie & Karyl had a picnic pavilion constructed on their grounds to use during POS Retreats. POS members were invited to have a Flag Stone dedicated to their children added around the base.

Flag Stone with frame only.gif
Flag Stone.gif

This is the Flag Stone dedicated to


Dedication on rafter with frame only.gif
Dedication on rafter.gif

The rafters in the Butterfly Pavilion were marked off in sections so that parents attending the retreats could add a dedication to their children. This is the section that Lynda did for Darren.

Lynda writing on rafter with frame only.gif
Lynda writing on rafter.gif

Lynda writing on the rafter helped by Alice, Mom of Colin,

Lynda with balloon with frame only.gif
Lynda with balloon.gif

Lynda holding a balloon that has a message to Darren written on it and also attached.

The Wall in Columbia with frame only.gif
The Wall in Columbia.gif

In 2006 Karyl & Ronnie moved from Pavo, Georgia, to Columbia, Tennessee, to be near their son. They transported the rafters of the Butterfly Pavilion with them and built a new Butterfly Pavilion incorporating the rafters and also the flagstones. They added an extra part on the end of the Butterfly Pavilion to house a new project, the “Suicide Memorial Wall”.

Darren on Suicide Memorial Wall with frame only.gif
Darren on Suicide Memorial Wall.gif

They found a local business which engraved photos onto a metallic tile which was then placed on the “Wall”, This is Darren’s tile. 

The International Suicide Wall frame only.gif
The International Suicide Wall.gif

Unfortunately due to ill health they had to move so the hunt was on for a new location for the “Wall”, which they eventually found in the headquarters of the Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network. This new “Wall” became known as the “International Suicide Memorial Wall”. Anybody can have a tile of a loved one who died by suicide added, not just members of Parents of Suicide.

Bob sharing his display with frame.gif
Bob sharing his display.gif

One of the features of a Retreat was sharing our children with the other parents and we were encouraged to bring items of interest to our children and put them on display and talk about them on one of the evenings. Because of the distance and limit to what we could bring we used to take photograph albums that portrayed Darren’s life. This is a picture of me explaining some of the more meaningful photographs.

1st half page frame only.gif
1st half page.gif

Karyl was always coming up with projects for the group to partake in and this included two editions of a Memorial Book, these included a gallery of photographs of our loved ones and then either half-page or full-page Memorials. This is the half-page I designed for Darren for the first book.

2nd half page for Darren frame only.gif
2nd half page for Darren.gif

This is the half-page I designed for the second book showing the relationship between Darren and his sister and Darren and his niece, which was placed underneath the half-page design from the first book.

Lynda plate frame only.gif
Lynda plate.gif

We often had craft workshops at Retreats and this picture shows the plate that Lynda decorated for Darren. Lynda pasted the material onto the back of the plate, then the photograph of Darren on the front of the plate.

Trish with names of children frame only.gif
Trish with names of children.gif

Trish, Mom of Melissa & Brian, had a T-shirt decorated to ”Remember Our Children” on a ”POS Garden” theme.

Trisha t-shirt Darrens name frame only.gif
Trisha t-shirt Darrens.gif

Darren’s name is in the bottom right-hand corner.

Bob wearing his t-shirt with frame.gif
Bob wearing his t-shirt.gif

A POS member, Brenda, Mom of Rick & Jason, had T-shirts airbrushed and personalised, the rainbow was done with the appearance of the colour running to represent our tears.

Darren's brick in Evansville with frame only.gif
Darren's brick in Evansville.gif

This is the brick that Patty, Mom of Allen, & Logan arranged on our behalf to be placed in a “Garden of Remembrance” in Evansville, Indiana, which is dedicated to children who have died.

Plaaque in chilliwack frame only.gif
Plaaque in chilliwack.gif

This is a copy of the plaque that Shari, Mom of Butch, placed, along with others, on a wall in her back garden in Chilliwack, British Columbia. She then sent us this copy which I have on show at our house (along with a copy of the tile placed on the Suicide Memorial Wall).

Subette abseiling frame only.gif
Subette abseiling.gif

Subette, a POS member who lives in England, abseiled 160' down Guys’ and St Thomas’ hospital in London, she offered to write the names of our children on sunflowers which she then strapped to her left leg whilst abseiling down.

Subette sunflower frame only.gif
Subette sunflower.gif

This is one of the five sunflowers that Subette wrote on, the position of Darren’s name is at approx. 4 o’clock.

Subette thames frame only.gif
Subette thames.gif

One of the sunflowers being launched into the River Thames.

Sara with Tree of Life frame only.gif
Sara with Tree of Life.gif

Sara, Mom of Katrina, regularly takes part in the AFSP’s Out Of Darkness Walk, she puts a “Tree of Life” on display which is decorated with leaves with names of those lost to suicide.

Darren's Leaf for Tree of Life frame only.gif
Darren's Leaf for Tree of Life.gif

In 2017 it was at Columbia, Maryland. This is the leaf she put on the tree for Darren that year.

The following nine photographs are of artwork created by Smita, Mom of Neil

Smita Artwork 1 frame only.gif
Smita Artwork 1.gif
Smita Artwork 2 frame only.gif
Smita Artwork 2.gif
Smita Artwork 3 frame only.gif
Smita Artwork 3.gif
Smita Artwork 4 frame only.gif
Smita Artwork 4.gif
Smita Artwork 5 frame only.gif
Smita Artwork 5.gif
Smita Artwork 6 frame only.gif
Smita Artwork 6.gif
Smita Artwork 7 frame only.gif
Smita Artwork 7.gif
Smita Artwork 8 frame only.gif
Smita Artwork 8.gif
Smita Artwork 8 frame only.gif
Smita Artwork 9.gif
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