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our new additions
Since I started this site in 2011 we have had 3 new additions to the family.
A grandson, our granddaughter’s partner and a great-granddaughter. This is a brief introduction
to them all.

Charles Darren Humphrey

born 29th November 2011, 8.29pm


This is what I wrote that night. Charles Darren Humphrey was born at 8.29pm on the 29th of November, 2011, he weighed 6lb 9ozs, he was delivered by Cesaerian section at Watford General Hospital. Charles is the second child of Michelle and brother to Chloe.

Lynda and I were called to Michelle's home by Chloe at about 6pm because Michelle thought she was going into labour. We arrived and after speaking to the midwife I was told to bring Michelle into Watford General Hospital and we left Michelle’s just after 7pm. I hadn’t realised that Watford Football Club were playing at home that evening and their stadium is right next to the hospital and we had to go past it and the police close the road that we needed to go along. We got caught up in the traffic and after what seemed an eternity, we got to where the police were controlling the traffic. I spoke to an officer who told me to drive up the coned-off section to where there was a police motorcyclist who would escort us to the hospital.

So I did and the police motorcyclist told me to put on my four-way flashers and to follow him slowly down the road and he also put on his emergency flashing lights and we drove down the road past the people going to the football match and he used his siren occasionally to get supporters to move out of the way.

When we got to the maternity section Michelle was taken to a room where the staff started monitoring mother and baby, they discovered that the baby’s heartbeat was dipping and then rising again, after this happened twice the staff decided a C-section was needed and the baby was finally delivered at 8.29pm. Both Mother and Baby are doing fine as this was written. Chloe is staying with us tonight and we will go and see Michelle and Charles in the morning.

Nicholas Timms


Nick met Chloe, our granddaughter, in 2015 and she became his partner later that year. They live in Milton Keynes, where Nick was born and raised.

Isabelle Grace Timms, born 26th August 2017


Isabelle Grace Timms was born 26th August 2017, the first child of Nick Timms and Chloe Bennett. Isabelle was born in Milton Keynes, she was due on 18th August, the hospital gave Chloe till 25th, if nothing by then they would induce Chloe.  She started contractions at 2am on the 25th, went into hospital at 6pm. Around 10am on 26th they decided to do emergency C-section and Isabelle was born at 11am weighing 8lbs 8 oz.

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